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Entrepreneurship and Leadership - Essay Example

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Instructor Name Date Entrepreneurship and Leadership: Mid-Term Exam What is it that an investor wants? What is it that you want the most? What is it that a venture capitalist looks for? What is that thing? The one thing that an investor wants more than anything is return…
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Entrepreneurship and Leadership
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I know that as a venture capitalist, you are not at all bothered with what I am going to present here. I know that because I am aware that even the most impractical ideas get the nod and the most amazing and lucrative ones don’t. I am selling myself here. It’s all about entrepreneurship. It’s about leadership. I know that all that matters to you is the numbers. I also know that you wouldn’t be handing over your money to a freak that would go and blow it all away on his crazy dream of creating another Facebook.

So what is it that I have and others don’t? The answer is simple: I know how to execute. Yes, execution is what I possess. Many great ideas fail in their startup phase not because they didn’t have potential or all of a sudden weren’t profitable enough. They fail because they were executed improperly. They were leading in a completely different direction. I can assure you that what I’ll present here is what will happen in the real world – that is if the economic conditions hold (CFA Institute).

The truth is that there is no other Facebook. The times have changed. Social networking is a thing of the past. However, like every era this era, too, functions on the same ideology which is “to make disaster an opportunity.” As the world gears up for its next challenge, entrepreneurs and investors gear up to fill their pockets and that is what I am offering you. I am offering you to invest in the future. My idea is simple. I have in my possession the design of a machine that creates medicines for you.

The idea is simple. This machine works just like an ATM. You take your blood sample to it. Your blood has your DNA and it analyzes what kind of chemical reaction the medicine should go through to be specifically modified for you. Sounds unreal? It sounded to me too, but believe me such a machine can be made. Look at the opportunity you have here. Can you even think of the possibilities I am opening you up to? I am effectively eliminating the manufacturing of medicines here. All you need is a formula that can be entered into this machine and it will create the medicine and modify it for the user.

This means that a kid in India won’t have to die because s/he didn’t have the funds for buying medicine. That’s the other side. Medicine becomes cheaper. This might be an aspect for some investors you venture capitalists have to answer too. So let’s get to the real thing now – numbers. The cost of building this machine is going to be around $2.4 million. The cost is high because it’s just a prototype. When the prototype is approved by the medical bodies, we can begin mass production that will distribute the massive fixed costs of $2 million that we are incurring over thousands of machines.

This cost includes the cost of the biotechnicians and doctors I will be using; it also includes the cost of the materials that will be used in making this machine. The global biotech industry brings in revenues of up to $250 billion each year. When we build our machine, we predict to capture at least 3.7% of the market share in the initial 3 years. We will build 1,800 machines at a cost of $400,000 a machine. This brings the cost of machines to about 720 million dollars. The cost of buying and creating formulas for medicines is approximately $2.4 billion. If you

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