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African American Cultures - Research Proposal Example

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The author of this research proposal "African American Cultures" casts light on the peculiarities of African American oral communication which consists of stylized heritage that is unique and that plays a great role in the uniting the African American Culture…
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African American Cultures
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The ‘Nommo’-chronicles of the pre-slavery period allowed the African Americans to gain a sense of the spoken words; thus, actualizing life. Through the nuance of the Black culture, the African Americans are reminded of their past especially during slavery. The bifurcations in the trajectory remind the black American persons of their past and the conditions that unite them (Anderson, 1977, p.4). The aura of the Black spirituals is also credited for uniting the Blacks. The church also boosted the culture, creativity of the African American Music, in relation to Huggins (2007, p.

xiv –xx) and the depictions in African American poems (Graham & Vard, 2011, p.535).

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African American Cultures Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 276 Words.
“African American Cultures Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 276 Words”, n.d.
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