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Integrated Marketing Communications Project 6/1 - Assignment Example

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Due to the evolution of the internet, many companies have managed to change the manner in which they communicate with their business partners, suppliers, and various customers. The internet tools like social media, and the websites have managed to help business organizations to…
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Integrated Marketing Communications Project 6/1
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Due to the evolution of the internet, many companies have managed to change the manner in which they communicate with their business partners, suppliers, and various customers. The internet tools like social media, and the websites have managed to help business organizations to effectively engage customers by offering internet based solutions to their problems. Having the ability to respond to customers questions through the internet, and promoting the organizations products through the internet should be one of the major objectives and aims of a business organization (Abrams, 2010).

This is because the current trends in marketing are shaped by the promotion of organizations products and services through the internet. One of the internet tools that my organization will use is the website. Creating a company website will be an important method for communicating with organizations stakeholders. The website under consideration will be interactive, allowing users to post their discussions and questions concerning the products of the company. This website must also have features that allow for private messaging, in case the organization has the intention of communicating directly with their customers, business partners, and suppliers (Kurtz and Boone, 2012).

On this note, the company’s website will be an important tool that connects all the stakeholders of the company. The social media is also another tool that the company will use for purposes of communicating with all its stakeholders. Social media tools such as twitter and facebook can be effective in providing information about the organizations products, discount it gives, and the various business updates of the company. For example, facebook has features that a company can use to encourage its potential customers to like the product of the organization (Armstrong and Kotler, 2011).

Facebook also has features that the company can use to create its own facebook page, for purposes of providing information concerning the various products of the company. The company can also use these social media sites for purposes of carrying out a market research, and finding out the opinion of its customers concerning the products of the organization. On this basis, the social media can help in ensuring that the company produces a positive image amongst its customers. The company can also use emails and online chats such as Skype for purposes of communicating with its prospective customers.

These methods of communication allow the company to send information to as many people as possible, and they are cheap, as compared to traditional methods of phone calling. This will therefore help the company to save on the costs of production (Kotler and Armstrong, 2012). In measuring the effectiveness of these internet tools, the company needs to have a framework. For example, the most effective framework is to develop software that will help the company to identify the number of people visiting the site.

If the company manages to attract a large number of visitors, then chances are high that its internet based IMC is effective. The same happens to the use of the social media such as facebook and twitter. If a company manages to attract a higher number of likes, then chances are high that the internet strategies of the company are working. References:Abrams, R. M. (2010). Successful business plan: secrets & strategies (5th ed.). Palo Alto, Calif.: The Planning Shop. Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P. (2011). Marketing: an introduction (10th ed.). Boston: Prentice Hall.

Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2012). Principles of marketing (14th ed.). Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall. Kurtz, D. L., & Boone, L. E. (2012). Principles of contemporary marketing (15th ed., Intl. ed.). Australia: Southwestern Cengage Learning.

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